Thursday, June 7, 2012

My Appliances Are Ganging Up On My Wallet and Sanity

In the last few weeks three of my most used appliances have kicked it. My dryer, steam mop and toaster have all gone to the appliance graveyard:(.

I'm holding out hope on the steam mop. When a rare free moment comes perhaps I can call the company and they will walk me through a quick fix. A girl can hope right???

The laundry mat dryers for a family of 5 are crazy expensive. The good part is that I have someone who is giving us a gas dryer I just need to figure out how to get it here and pay to have the gas line installed. We have gas in our house but the old dryer was electric.

As for the toaster we use it every day as my kids are all obsessed with Eggos. I have wanted a four slot toaster for a while. The old one was a two slot. I would have never dreamed that a cheap one would be over $40 though. Yikes. For some reason I'm not crazy about buying a used one at the thrift store. I know that seems funny since I buy preowned cloth diapers and all but toasters are just so hard to clean and well it gives me the heebie jeevies. I'm weird.

Wish me luck on all fronts.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Julie,
    I just found your Blog through the Recycle-ista Blog! My family LOVE-d Eggos too, until I started making homemade and freezing them. They are super easy and I estimated they cost less then a dollar to make a double batch. I got my recipe from the Money Saving Mom! I add oatmeal & cinnamon for an extra boost, the kids were addicted to the cinnamon Eggos! That way you can save enough money for a new toaster, but you will also need a waffle maker! Drats, more money! (=

    If you would like my waffle recipe, I would be happt to share it with you.

    I sell toys on Ebay also and I have recently started selling on Amazon! It is so hard for me to remember to delete a listing on Amazon if it sells on Ebay and vice versa! Any tips you have discovered would be great!

    I like your Blogs! Have a great Wednesday!!
    Thanks, Rebecca
